The back ordered clamshell couplers and ferrules arrived and Abe was able to get most of them welded, but I’m still waiting on the XRP PROPlus hose and crimp collars.
The swirl pot is finished. The two -12 inlets on the top left connect to flex hose, the -24 outlet on the bottom right connects directly to the 1-1/2” stainless steel tube that runs down the side pod and the two threaded bungs on the middle left attach to a chassis bracket.
The radiator inlet and outlet are connected to the 1-1/2” stainless steel tubes via -24 hose and clamshell connectors.
Right side, the radiator weld ferrule is just tacked
Left Side
1-1/2” stainless steel tube, weld ferrule, clamshell coupler and hose end
The next step is to finish the welding the tubes in the engine compartment and fabricate the flex lines once the parts arrive.