Heat Exchangers Mounted

I finished mounting the heat exchangers today. The first step was to weld a support tube and three mounting tabs to each side of the nose structure. The tubes lean back at the same 62-degree angle as the heat exchangers and the tabs use used to mount the rubber isolation grommets described in the previous post..

The top bracket is a simple 0.10” aluminum tab welded to the heat exchanger. It has a single grommet.

The bottom bracket is more complicated. It uses a 1/8” u-channel lined with 1/16” self-adhesive, high-temperature silicon to cradle the bottom of the heat exchanger and to prevent it from twisting. The u-channel is welded to a vertical plate with two grommets and a gusset is welded between two. I couldn’t resist using my dimple dies.

The heat exchangers are well isolated and the splitter. nose floor and nose sides can be easy removed with them installed.
